Monday 14 September 2009

Democrats Want to Chastise Lawmaker Who Heckled Obama

By Carl Hulse

House Democrats intend to pursue a formal resolution chastising Representative Joe Wilson for his outburst against President Obama during Wednesday’s Congressional address unless the South Carolina Republican apologizes on the floor.
Senior aides said members of the leadership decided that Mr. Wilson’s behavior in shouting “You lie!” during Mr. Obama’s speech merited some action by the House even though the congressman issued a statement of apology and expressed his regrets to the president through Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff.

“It is a clear violation of the rules of the House and it needs to resolved on the floor of the House either by an apology or by a resolution,” said Brendan Daly, a spokesman for Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
House rules and precedents provide substantial guidance on how a House member can and cannot refer to the president while speaking on the floor and the guidelines state that it has been found impermissible to call the president a liar.

Since Mr. Wilson interrupted the president to challenge him on the issue of health care for illegal immigrants, he has become a focal point in the health care debate.

While Ms. Pelosi on Thursday indicated she was ready to let the matter drop, other members of the Democratic leadership, including Representative Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland, the majority leader, and Representative James Clyburn of South Carolina, the party whip, argued the incident was too egregious to let pass.


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