Saturday 26 September 2009

Sony Kills Plans for UMD Trade-in Program for PSP Go

Sony says the plans were nixed due to technical and legal issues

Sony is getting set to launch the UMD-free PSP Go. The big rub for many PSP fans is that the lack of a UMD drive means that they can't use their existing library of games on the new portable.

At this year's E3, Sony said that there would be a process for transferring UMD titles to the internal storage of the PSP Go. Sony's Brian Keltner told Kotaku, "We are looking into programs for owners who have previously purchased UMD titles and want to exchange them for digital versions. It's something we are still hammering out the details. As soon as we have solid plans in place we will make an announcement."

Now, however, Sony is changing its tune. A Sony spokesperson recently stated, "We were evaluating a UMD conversion program, but due to legal and technical reasons we will not be offering the program at this time."

Some retailers are already not happy about the fact that the PSP Go has no physical format for software, which cuts into their profits for selling games. Some retailers are reportedly not going to sell the PSP Go because of this fact.


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