Friday 9 October 2009

Twitter crashes after Barack Obama awarded Nobel Peace Prize

Social networking site Twitter crashed on Friday as millions of users around the world joined the debate over Barack Obama being awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. The site went into meltdown at lunchtime yesterday amid the sheer weight of people commenting on the news, which comes just ten months into his first term in power.

The problem was quickly identified and repaired, but Twitter fans experienced issues throughout the afternoon.
Obama was the most popular 'trending topic' - or subject of discussion - for much of yesterday.

Traffic to Twitter also increased after NASA's LCROSS mission to the Moon ended with the rocket crashing into the surface of the satellite - and Mylie Cyrus's decision to quit Twitter.

The official site of the Nobel Foundation also began to creak under the weight of sudden traffic as millions logged onto verify the news.

The 48-year-old U.S President was hailed by the Norwegian Nobel Committee for 'his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and co-operation between peoples'.

Yesterday a poll of 1,000 Brits by revealed that 80 per cent believe the award has come too early and only one in five said the award was 'deserved'.

One in three even went as far as to say that Obama should feel 'embarrassed'.

And six out of ten said they felt the Nobel panel may have been influenced by the contrast between Obama's work and that of the previous presidency of George Bush.


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