Sunday 6 December 2009

Obama’s Sunday on Capitol Hill

A Call for Making ‘History’ | 5:13 p.m. President Obama exhorted Senate Democrats on Sunday to put aside their fierce policy differences and to make history by passing landmark health care legislation, according to The Times article now posted on our Web site.

Original Post | 2:35 p.m. President Obama arrived on Capitol Hill shortly after 2 p.m. Sunday for his meeting with Senate Democrats.

Mr. Obama offered a “Hey, guys, good to see you” greeting to the Capitol press corps but otherwise did not say anything as he walked briskly into the Mansfield Room, where Democrats hold their weekly party luncheon.

The Sunday session is unusual. Democrats remain divided over some important issues in the health care bill, and Mr. Obama was expected to urge them to band together to finish the legislation.


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