Saturday 31 July 2010

Life in the Ansorm Chrouk kingdoom

Story inspired by the Iron Curtain
Adapted by Lucky Unlucky

What language do they speak in hell?

The year is 2050, the kingdoom of Keapucham (aka Champa II) is now completely absorbed into the Indochinese Federation controlled by communist Vietnam. A Viet officer is walking in the park and he sees an old Khmer man reading a book.

The Viet says "What are you reading old man?" The old man says "I am trying to teach myself Pali."

The Viet says "Why are you trying to learn Pali? It takes years to get a visa to visit Bodhgaya. You would die before the paperwork got done."

"I am learning Pali so that when I die and go to Nirvana I will be able to speak to Lord Buddha. Pali is the language they speak in Nirvana," the old man replies.

"But what if when you die you go to Hell?" asks the Viet officer.

And the old man replies, "Vietnamese, I already know."
Bodh Gaya or Bodhgaya is a religious place in Gaya district in the Indian state of Bihar. It is famous for being the place of Gautama Buddha's attainment of Enlightenment.

Let me shoot!

Samdach Akak Moha Sena Badey Daycho Hun Xen claimed that in September 1998, a dissident man tried to assassinate him by firing rocket-propelled grenade into his motorcade. The rocket barely missed Samdach Hun Xen. A listener to Radio Bayon called and asked: “Why did the man who shot at Samdach Hun Xen motorcade in Siem Reap miss such a large target?”

Radio Bayon’s answer: “Because citizens who happened to be next to him tried to wrestle the rocket launcher from him and shouted, ‘Let me shoot!’”


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