Saturday 31 July 2010

Thailand and Cambodia vie over temple [-Correction: Preah Vihear temple is Cambodia's property!]

Saturday, July 31, 2010
Zoe Daniel
ABC (Australia)

ELIZABETH JACKSON: A renewed stoush has broken out over the management of the disputed Preah Vihear temple on the border of Thailand and Cambodia.

Two years ago the temple was given World Heritage Status and now Cambodia has submitted a management plan for the site.

But this week protestors took to the streets of Bangkok opposing the plan.

The Thai government threatened to pull out of UNESCO altogether, arguing the plan threatens Thai sovereignty and regional peace.

South East Asia correspondent Zoe Daniel reports from Bangkok.

ZOE DANIEL: There are few more divisive issues in South East Asia than the ownership of the majestic Preah Vihear temple that perches on the mountainous border between Thailand and Cambodia.

The temple was declared to belong to Cambodia in 1962 and in 2008 it was given World Heritage Status.

But Thailand has always disputed Cambodia's ownership of the site and opposed the World Heritage application.

Now Cambodia's management plan for the area has re-opened debate. Thailand argued against it even being considered by UNESCO.

Thailand is now celebrating after discussion on the plan was delayed.

Natural Resources and environment minister Suwit Khunkitti.

SUWIT KHUNKITTI (translated): The important outcome was the postponement of the decision until next year.

ZOE DANIEL: UNESCO says the Cambodian plan was submitted to the wrong committee. It involves the management of the temple and its surrounds.

But Thailand argues that it breaches its sovereignty because 4.6 square kilometres of the surrounding area belongs to Thailand.

Cambodian Council of Ministers spokesman Phay Siphan disagrees.

PHAY SIPHAN: We do our best to keep that area to be peace and respect the people interests and respect what decision of the World Heritage. So we as a civilised nation, we treat everybody like a- respectably like a civilised nation – abide with our international obligation.

ZOE DANIEL: In fact Thailand's prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva threatened that Thailand would resign from UNESCO if the plan was adopted.

About one thousand people rallied outside UNESCO's offices in Bangkok in support of his stance.

There have been intermittent skirmishes between Thai and Cambodian troops in the vicinity of the temple in the past two years and the prime minister warned the Thai army stands ready to defend the country's sovereignty.

Cambodian Council Ministers spokesman Phay Siphan accuses him of playing politics.

PHAY SIPHAN: I’m just back from the border and the military – Thai military – they understand that. I told them and they told me that ‘We’re not going to fight (inaudible) because of politics’.

They know that a current government – Thai government – lead by Abhisit is looking for political support by using Preah Vihear as the extreme nationalist for them to earn support, earn popularity from the Thais. He’s not honest (with) the Thai people.

ZOE DANIEL: The plan for the management of the temple will now be considered next year.

ELIZABETH JACKSON: Zoe Daniel with that report from Bangkok.


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