Sunday 1 August 2010

Summary of the Results of the 34th Session of the World Heritage Committee

Source: Cambodia Council of Ministers

The Committee’s Decision [34 COM 7B.66] recognized the Report produced by the World Heritage Centre, which is the Secretariat of the Committee. That Report [WHC-10/34.COM/7B.Add.3] is now part of the record of the World Heritage Centre.

The WHC Report contains the evaluation of the Management Plan and the report on the state of conservation of the Temple of Preah Vihear. Both of these reports were submitted to the World Heritage Centre by Cambodia in January 2010.

As recognized by the Committee’s Decision, these two Cambodian reports were mandated by World Heritage Committee Decisions adopted in its sessions in Quebec (2008) and Seville (2009).

The evaluation of the Management Plan and the updated report on the conservation of the Temple contained in the World Heritage Centre Report represents the collective judgment of the professional staff of the following organizations:
  • The World Heritage Centre, which is the Secretariat of the World Heritage Committee;
  • ICOMOS, an advisory body the mandate of which is to evaluate and monitor inscribed properties; and
  • Other Advisory Bodies comprised of technical experts which also support the work of the Secretariat and the World Heritage Committee.
Concerning the Management Plan, the World Heritage Centre Report recognized by the World Heritage Committee said the following:
  • The Management Plan was completed in 2009 after a number of technical missions on the site by a team of international experts.
  • The international experts identified conservation issues, explained how it would be implemented, and proposed a plan of action.
  • The key judgment of the international technical experts concerning the Management Plan is that they “consider that it provides a good vision for the conservation of the World Heritage property as well as a solid basis on which the ANPV (National Authority for the Protection of Preah Vihear) can develop its policies and operational procedures.” (emphasis added)
Concerning the Report on Preah Vihear Temple, the document produced in response to the Decision in Seville for an update on conservation at the site, the experts at the Secretariat and the Advisory Bodies made the following determinations in the Report to the World Heritage Committee:
  • The Report describes the wide-ranging actions taken in 2009 by Cambodia to implement the plan. These include support undertaken by Cambodia for the international technical experts, landscaping and enlargement of the buffer zone, movement of a village the location of which impinged on a recently discovered archeological site, establishment of an eco-global Museum, etc.
  • The key judgment made by international technical experts regarding the Report submitted by Cambodia is as follows:
“The World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies note with satisfaction the steps undertaken by the State Party to enlarge the buffer zone of the World Heritage property to the south, since this would contribute to preserving the visual integrity of the wider natural setting. The World Heritage Centre and ICOMOS also welcome the measures taken by the State Party to preserve the environment surrounding the World Heritage property towards the south, provide a solution for the relocation of some of the recent settlers that occupied areas of archaeological significance, as well as the ongoing establishment of an eco-global Museum.” (emphasis added)
The WHC Report submitted to the World Heritage Committee also supports continued actions by Cambodia in furtherance of the objectives listed above. Specifically, the WHC endorses the following actions:
  • The WHC Report endorses further implementation of the Management Plan. It states that the World Heritage Centre and ICOMOS “note... that many of the very important recommendations made in the Management Plan are yet to be implemented, and encourage the State Party [of Cambodia] to make every effort to this end, in cooperation with the international community.” (emphasis added)
  • The WHC Report also takes note of the efforts of Cambodia to convene an international coordinating committee to support conservation efforts at the Temple:
“The World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies, moreover, welcome the steps taken by... Cambodia to convene a preliminary meeting for the setting up of an international coordinating committee, acknowledge the efforts deployed by it in that regard, and hope that the ongoing discussions will lead to positive results.” (emphasis added)
  • The World Heritage Committee, in the Decision taken at its Session in Brasilia, specifically endorsed Cambodia’s efforts to establish “an international coordinating committee for the sustainable conservation of the Temple of Preah Vihear.”
Cambodia already has authority to move forward on the basis of the Management Plan it has already developed, but welcomes the support it has received from the World Heritage Centre, the Advisory Bodies, and the Committee itself.

The objections of Thailand came to nothing. It had no substantive arguments against the WHC Report, or the two documents submitted by Cambodia. It could only say that there was not sufficient time to study the WHC Report and the documents upon which it was based. Despite extensive press coverage in Thailand, there was no discussion in Brasilia of joint inscription or joint management of the Temple.

In order to avoid a debate on the procedure about the deadline for the World Heritage Centre to distribute documents (i.e., 6 weeks before the Session), the WHC Report, the Management Plan, and the Report on Conservation for the Temple of Preah Vihear were not formally discussed by the Committee in Brasilia. The Committee will consider the various reports at its next session in 2011. However, based on the favorable reception by the international community, including the World Heritage Centre and the Committee’s Advisory Bodies, Cambodia will move ahead with implementation of the Management Plan, creation of an international coordinating committee, and other measures designed to enhance conservation of the inscribed site.


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