Thursday 24 February 2011

Temple row to dog relations until WHC meets [-A war of SEMANTICS?]

Now shake hands like good boys: Overseen by Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa (centre), Cambodia’s Foreign Minister Hor Namhong (left) shakes hands with Thai counterpart Kasit Piromya in Jakarta on Tuesday.
Saritdet Marukatat
Bangkok Post

Thailand benefits from the decision by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to dispatch Indonesian observers to both sides of the border with Cambodia.

Phnom Penh may claim victory from the outcome of Tuesday's meeting in Jakarta, to have a third party involved in the border spat with its neighbouring rival, when the Asean foreign ministers agreed to the future presence of the observers.

The meeting led by Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa welcomes "the invitation by both Cambodia and Thailand for observers from Indonesia, current chair of Asean, to respective sides of the affected areas of the Cambodia-Thailand border, to observe the commitment by both sides to avoid further armed clashes between them...," said the chair statement released after the talks. Indonesia holds the Asean chairmanship this year.

But Bangkok seems to benefit more from the decision, as the team of observers from Indonesia will put an end to Cambodian accusations of "Thai aggression" during the armed clashes which began on Feb 4.

Cambodian Foreign Minister Hor Namhong attacked Thailand at the United Nations Security Council on Feb 14, claiming Bangkok used "sophisticated weapons including cluster bombs" and artillery shells "20 kilometres inside" his country. Thai Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya strongly denied this, claiming Thailand was hit first by Cambodian soldiers on that day and had the right to self-defence.

Stationing the observers is the best way to put an end to this trade in accusations between the two countries, and may help fend off future clashes at the border near the famous Preah Vihear temple.

Thailand's diplomatic move on the defensive side compared favourably with the aggressive tactics of Cambodia from the beginning of the border conflict early this month. Phnom Penh has been using all means at its disposal to convince the international community that a small country is being threatened and bullied by a bigger neighbour. The strategy has left Thailand able only to react to every charge made by Cambodia.

The duty of the observers will help Thailand as they will witness the reality on the ground at the fragile frontier.

Yet the most difficult part has yet to come, when Asean expects the two countries to sit down at the same table to settle the disputed area through negotiation. The main body tasked with responsibility on this issue is the Joint Boundary Commission set up specifically to demarcate the entire land border, including the controversial 4.6 square kilometre area near the 11th century Hindu temple. The JBC is jointly chaired by former career diplomat Asda Jayanama and Cambodia's top border negotiator, Var Kimhong.

Judging from the tone of the Thai and Cambodian foreign ministers at the Security Council meeting in New York last week, and by subsequent moves, the two countries occupy different positions over how the issue of the overlapping border area near the temple should be resolved.

Cambodian Prime Minster Hun Sen wants the issue to go to the International Court of Justice to make the ruling once and for all, but Thailand's position is to talk it over with Cambodia. The JBC's success hinges largely on warm diplomatic relations between the two countries, but the atmosphere right now is not conducive to either side's settling the issue. Hor Namhong strongly criticised Thailand at the Security Council, claiming hostilities were aimed at taking control of the area near the temple. Mr Kasit hit back, calling all moves by Phnom Penh a "Broadway play" with a plot to try every means to take the issue to the world court, despite already having the mechanism agreed upon by the two countries to end the dispute.

The exchange of words in New York leads to the easy prediction that the first JBC meeting after the border clashes will make no progress. The date for that meeting has not been set.

The hope now hinges on another channel: talks between the two countries' military leaders in another forum _ the General Border Committee chaired by the respective defence ministers, Prawit Wongsuwon and Teah Banh. Despite the armed conflict and border tension, military ties between the two countries at the top level have not been severed or devastated by the tension. They continue to maintain close contacts and relations between the two generals and are not as cool as their diplomatic counterparts'.

The next round of the GBC meeting will likely lead to a pledge by the defence ministers to order their commanders and soldiers at the frontier to end confrontation and restore peace at the border. That is the best the ministers in charge of defence can do right now.

The core problem of sovereignty over the disputed area is beyond its mandate. The issue will haunt both countries and Cambodia's efforts to put an end to this issue for good will intensify as the World Heritage Committee (WHC) meeting set for June draws nearer.


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