Thursday 31 March 2011

Up For A Vote [in Thailand]

Ron Gluckman

Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva will soon dissolve Parliament, paving the way for elections in late June or early July. The 46-year-old took over in late 2008, and few believed his government would last more than a few months. Deadly street protests paralyzed the country a year ago, but the economy has roared back, with unemployment falling to nearly 1%, the baht continuing to rise against the U.S. dollar and the stock market hitting 14-year highs. He met with FORBES ASIA at Parliament House on Mar. 25.

Why did you decide to call elections now?

ABHISIT VEJJAJIVA: This government is ready to stand on its policies. This election is about the economy and the future, not about the color of shirts. I think we've had enough of the political theater of the past. I think all Thais are tired of this. We want to move the country forward. The election is a way normal people can take action. I think now is a good time for a strong mandate.

How does your time in office so far compare with former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra's?

Thaksin had almost six years in, and there were achievements from his rule--we don't deny that. And many Thais are happy with those achievements. We've only had two years, and at a time when that hasn't exactly been easy. In two years, with all the limits caused by the [global] economic [turmoil] and the political turbulence, we've done a lot, and I believe people will recognize what we've done. When I took over the party leadership in 2005, polls showed we had 7% support in the northeast, which has been a Thaksin stronghold. Now polls show we have 25% to 30%.

Thailand faces an unusual problem--unemployment so low that it's creating labor shortages in some industries.

The number of unskilled immigrant laborers in Thailand is already in the millions. It's inevitable that we will need to take a more liberal approach [with guest workers]. With skilled labor, we're talking to business about plans for education and training.

Thailand had looked at building several nuclear power plants. Has this changed since the Japanese disaster?

When I came in I was presented with a power plan, and nuclear power was in that plan. I asked for a Plan B, so if there was no nuclear development, we'd have a fallback option. No decisions have been made, but all countries with nuclear plans are reassessing them. It would have been tough anyway convincing people to support nuclear power. The argument has always been that nuclear was a cheaper, as well as cleaner, option. I'm just not sure that is true. We realize that Thailand needs energy, but I think it's perfectly possible to meet our needs without nuclear power. We have to work more on energy efficiency. I feel technology will change the power equation.
Your government says economic development and a shift in military leadership is improving the situation in the south, but recent statistics show an increase in violence.

Yes, we have had a spike these last couple of months. But we feel we've won over a number of communities, and the overall trend has seen an actual decrease in violence. We think as these elements become marginalized they are resorting to extreme measures, like violence, to get across their message. There have been some weaknesses in our system. The enforcement of law isn't completely flawless anywhere. But when [problems] happen in the south, it gets exploited by the separatists.

What about the border dispute with Cambodia--centered on Preah Vihear, the ancient temple that the Thais call Prasat Khao Phra Wiharn--which has become violent several times?

We're determined to resume bilateral mechanisms. We want to solve the long-term issues. It's difficult because of the basic differences between us and Cambodia. There are also domestic forces on both sides that pressure each government.

We try to keep talking. The most sensitive issue is Phra Wiharn. We've been asking Unesco (which has declared it a World Heritage Site) to step back. You cannot have tourism without peace. The irony is, before this [became] a World Heritage Site, there were tourists there. Since then you have fighting and no tourists. We're not saying it should be delisted, but a pause would give us a chance to work toward a solution.

Should Thailand take the lead in pressing Myanmar to become more responsive to its people?

We try and work on this through Asean, since Myanmar is a member. We have always encouraged Myanmar to move forward with a plan for democratization. Obviously, in the eyes of the international community, Myanmar needs to do much, much more. But we see that Myanmar is moving forward.

To encourage change, we need to engage with Myanmar. And we need to do this with other nations. This is an important issue for us, as Thailand has a long border with Myanmar and many of the same problems, including drug trafficking. But we feel the only way to influence change is from within. It is important to maintain contact.

Your administration has taken a tough stance on censorship, with thousands of Internet sites blocked. You've also stepped up enforcement of lèse-majesté laws that protect Thailand's royalty. Why such tough measures?

Laws respond to the historical direction of each society. We are the first Thai government to appoint a committee to look into cases relating to these Internet sites. I don't think the number is that high--that may refer to the specific URLs, not actual sites.

With the monarchy, it's an institution above partisan politics, but it has no self-defense mechanism. We don't want the monarchy to have to take people to court over issues of slander or falsehood. That's why we have a duty to take this approach. If you express an opinion, that's fine. But it's another thing to make false accusations against members of the royalty.
You were born in the U.K., and this has become an issue lately.

I've never made it a secret that I was born in the U.K., but I have no British passport. I have only a Thai passport. When I went to Oxford, I had to pay foreign student fees. Every time I go to England, I apply for a British visa. The issue is really whether I have any conflicted or divided loyalty. I think I proved long ago my loyalty. This is a nonissue.

Is there a book you've read recently that's made an impression?

One that I liked is The Globalization Paradox by Dani Rodrik (a critique of free trade). That was very powerful.


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