Thursday 28 April 2011

Journalist faces more defamation allegations

PHOTO: Heng Chivoan

via CAAI

Thursday, 28 April 2011 15:02 Mom Kunthear

Prominent media personality Soy Sopheap was summoned to appear in court next week for questioning over a defamation complaint made by the managing editor of the Norkorwat newspaper, just weeks after he made a public apology in another high-profile defamation case.

Touch Kongkea filed the complaint with the Phnom Penh Municipal Court yesterday against Soy Sopheap, general director of the DAP Media Center.

Touch Kongkea said yesterday that he filed the complaint against Soy Sopheap over defamation and breach of privacy allegations.

“I complained regarding the defamation of myself, through a letter that he wrote [that said] that I had intentions to arrest him and put handcuffs on him, and he checked my personal email to see my documents,” he said, adding that he would not appear at the court on Tuesday but his lawyer would be present.

Soy Sopheap said yesterday from a location near to the ongoing clashes between Thailand and Cambodia in Oddar Meanchey province yesterday that he would appear at the court on Tuesday if the situation at the border improves.

“I have never escaped from the complaints made against me. I will appear at the court on time if the situation at the border is better because I always give respect to the court,” he said.

“But I will suspend my appearance at the court if the situation at the border is still bad, because I have to stay here to report the news for publication for the people to know about the situation at the border between Thailand and Cambodia.”

Soy Sopheap was embroiled in a similar defamation case earlier this month when former Constitutional Council member Son Soubert filed a complaint against him for alleged defamatory comments made about his father, the late resistance leader Son Sann.

Soy Sopheap accused Son Sann of selling land near Preah Vihear temple to Thailand in cooperation with coalition partner and former Khmer Rouge head of state Khieu Samphan, but made a public apology that resulted in the complaint being withdrawn.


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