Monday 11 April 2011

The [Thai] armed forces are servants, not masters [-But the servants are the ones who put the masters in power in Thailand]

April 12, 2011
The Nation


Defence Minister General Prawit Wongsuwon has rejected claims that Thailand used cluster bombs in breach of an international agreement during border clashes with Cambodia in early February.

Fine; we should never use these weapons, which are such a major threat to civilians that 107 countries have signed the Convention on Cluster Munitions, banning their use.

But Thai ambassador to the UN in Geneva, Sihasak Phuangkertkeow, reveals that the Foreign Ministry is encouraging the Army to sign the convention so Thailand can receive assistance to destroy these bombs.

The Army should not be the decision-maker. The armed forces should not again follow Mao Tse-Tung's principle, "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." Rather they should follow their oath and obey the orders of the duly elected government. It is we the people, acting through our elected representatives, who should be in charge - not the military. Give the soldiers' point of view a fair hearing, then if the government holds that it is in our country's interests to sign the convention, do it.

Burin Kantabutra


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