Tuesday 15 March 2011

Illegal Detention of Workers in Phnom Penh- Day Two

March 15, 2011
Originally posted at: http://sochua.wordpress.com

The following day we returned with Srun Channa’s mother in order to negotiate her release. It was only with the assistance of the city prosecutor, that on March 11th, Channa was released.

Negotiations with criminal police and prosecutor

Despite our requests, no officials from the Labour of Ministry were present over the two days we visited. We can conclude that the Labour Ministry leaves it up to the companies to draw guidelines and that inspections of the premises and the application of the laws are very weak and that negligence from the part of the government led to the deaths and injuries of the women.

Mother of woman rescued from employment agency
Srun Channa being released
With the collaboration of the Community Legal Education Center (CLEC), and our local networks, we investigated the cases of the four trainees who were supposed to have been released by the company. They were in fact detained inside the company when we visited.

I will post our findings soon! Please follow along and share your thoughts. Have you heard of similar cases like T&P that detain their employees illegally?


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