Tuesday 15 March 2011

Illegal Detention of Workers in Phnom Penh- Day One

March 15, 2011
Originally posted at: http://sochua.wordpress.com

On Sunday, March 6, Sing Sina, a 35 year-old woman died at T&P Recruitment Agency from a heart attack, according to the police. However, locals remain skeptical. Since then, more and more women have come forward asking for help to be released from T&P, a recruitment agency that trains women to work in Malaysia.

Women are being detained illegally. Children are not allowed to see their mothers. And two weeks after Sina’s death, another woman leapt from the third floor of the T&P building to try and escape, breaking her ankle and heel.

Outside T&P Recruitment Agency
Hearing this news, I joined other SRP members on Thursday, March 10, to Sen Sok district in Phnom Penh to begin investigating T&P recruitment agency where 23 year-old Srun Chan Nang, a maid trainee was being held against her will.

Speaking with the families outside T&P employment agency training center
We were granted permission to speak with about 100 of the trainees at T&P, after being informed that the military police had already interviewed five women who are requesting help to leave. Thirty trainees share a 4mx6m room, on three floors. Under-aged trainees are kept in a separate room on the 3rd floor. Many of these companies prey on women in rural areas who are unaware of their rights.

Being denied entrance inside training center
Without her mother present, they denied her release. Local authorities and police ignored the law that forbids detention against one’s will. Furthermore, local authorities accepted the company’s practice of debts and the charges for food, lodging and extra fees.


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